Nno, your path has aligned,

begin the sacred pilgrimage to you

Welcome !

Home is you not just your roots nnua.

Home is finding forgotten pieces of you,

Home is where you permit yourself to be vulnerable,

where you can stop to start again, nnua.

Ready to begin your sacred pilgrimage?

Let me show you the ways you can return to you.

How to find and honour yourself in compassion and kindness.

To remove hindrances, and grow beyond limitations.

Odinani Lifestyle is creating a safe space for those seeking the balance of mind and body; to interrupt patterns using ancient ancestral and mystic knowledge, to help you heal and live a wholesome life.

Monthly Full Moon Manifestation Ceremony

Join Us Every Month

To realign and manifest all that you've wished for.

Begin and continue a sacred journey of manifesting and staying in your power every month.

Do not forget to write the month of the full moon manifestation you are signing up for.

The circle of forgiveness.

This workshop is focused on you and forgiveness.

How forgiveness sets us free, in this workshop you will  

learn to get out of our way using forgiveness to pivot.

Join Me

Commit to 15 days of deliberately shifting the narrative and redirecting your path.

For 15 days I will share principles, affirmations & mindfulness exercises with you daily plus a live chat every 5 days so we can monitor your progress.


Our Focus is on decolonising the way

we talk and think about all things African

and you can only successfully do that when you

begin to interrogate how you interact with all things African

Living The VibedUp Life

This is a women-only class where we have deep conversations

on how to unlearn purity culture, learn about sisterhood and build circle of influences.

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